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Blanket Making Workshop

Sunday, November 3, 2019 5 Cheshvan 5780

11:45 AM - 2:00 PMCongregation Or Ami


From October 1 to December 15, Or Ami will be collecting security blankets for Project Linus and to help collect as many as possible, we will be holding a workshop to make beautiful no-sew blankets together. Won't you take part in this beautiful act of tikkun olam?? Join us Sunday November 3! NO SEWING SKILLS REQUIRED!

More info on Project Linus:
Project Linus is the recipient of our next Meaningful Giving Collection. Project Linus is a program that donates homemade blankets, made with love, to hospitalized and traumatized children. Our goal is to collect 75 blankets created by our very own Or Ami "blanketeers."


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