When children become adults, parents often need more advanced communication skills. Discover how to successfully navigate the
transition from a parent/child to parent/adult relationship.
4 Wednesdays • 6:30-8:30 pm PT
1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19
In-Person Only • Open to the community
(Limited to 12 participants)
Tuition: $100/person
Debbi Molnar is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, and Professional Coach in private practice. She is a certified Imago relationship therapist and trauma specialist. In addition to her private practice, she leads workshops and develops curriculum for programs throughout the Los Angeles area. Additionally, she has been a guest lecturer at several graduate schools and adult education programs. She has supervised graduate interns and trained facilitators for couple’s workshops. Her specialties include working with couples, parents, and people in transition, including recent graduates, empty nesters, and retirees. Additionally, she leads resiliency workshops and works with victims of trauma.
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