Tuesday, December 17, 2024 • 16 Kislev 5785
9:30 AM - 11:30 AMErin Mayer's home (Address provided with registration confirmation)

Tuesday, December 17 - 9:30 to 11:30 am
at the home of Erin Mayer
(address will be provided upon confirmation of reservation)
We will be discussing
That Churchill Woman
by Stephanie Barron
About the book:
Wealthy, privileged, and fiercely independent New Yorker Jennie Jerome took Victorian England by storm when she landed on its shores. As Lady Randolph Churchill, she gave birth to a man who defined the twentieth century: her son Winston. But Jennie—reared in the luxury of Gilded Age Newport and the Paris of the Second Empire—lived an outrageously modern life all her own, filled with controversy, passion, tragedy, and triumph.
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