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Or Ami Book Group

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 20 Sh'vat 5785

9:30 AM - 11:30 AMLori Waldman’s rental home (Address provided with registration confirmation)

Tuesday, February 18 - 9:30 to 11:30 am

at the rental home of Lori Waldman
(address will be provided upon confirmation of reservation)

We will be discussing

The Frozen River
by Ariel Lawhon

About the book: 

Clever, layered, and subversive, Ariel Lawhon’s newest offering introduces an unsung heroine who refused to accept anything less than justice at a time when women were considered best seen and not heard. The Frozen River is a thrilling, tense, and tender story about a remarkable woman who left an unparalleled legacy yet remains nearly forgotten to this day.




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Wed, January 29 2025 29 Tevet 5785