This event takes place on Saturday October 23, 9am Pacific Time / 12pm Eastern Time
Reclaiming Women's Voices through The Torah: A Women's Commentary
With Rabbi Andrea L. Weiss, Ph. D
Provost, Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion
Co-editor, Torah: A Women's Commentary
Rabbi Andrea L. Weiss, Ph.D. is Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Provost and Associate Professor of Bible at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. She is the founder of the American Values, Religious Voices campaign, co-editor of American Values, Religious Voices: 100 Days, 100 Letters (University of Cincinnati Press, 2019), and associate editor of The Torah: A Women's Commentary (CCAR Press, 2008). Her other writings include Figurative Language in Biblical Prose Narrative: Metaphor in the Book of Samuel (Brill, 2006) and articles on metaphor, biblical poetry, and biblical conceptions of God.
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