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Or Ami Retreat 4th-6th Grade 24-25

Retreat Details

Or Ami's annual 4th - 6th Grade Retreat is an opportunity for Or Ami youth and their friends to spend a weekend of fun at Camp Alonim in Simi Valley. All activities are designed to promote a “camp” atmosphere. Sports, arts and crafts, hikes, and music are just some of the activities we will be sharing together.

Date: Friday, February 7 - Sunday, February 9, 2025

Location: Camp Alonim (1101 Pepper Tree Ln, Simi Valley, CA 93064)

Early Bird: $355*
Regular: $390*
* includes food, lodging, security, transportation to and from Congregation Or Ami, staff, and programming for the weekend.

**Scholarships are available to those in need of financial assistance. Please contact for scholarship details

Helpful Links:   
Frequently Asked Questions      Packing List


These 7th-12th graders will spend part of their time as counselors and junior counselors during the 4th-6th Grade Retreat. Our Madrichim will help plan programs, bond with retreat participants, and work to make the weekend a wonderful experience for everyone. Additionally, these teens will have separate programming for their age group to allow for wellness practicing, same-age bonding, teen-focused programming and down time.

Sign up Madrichim Below (registration is the same for all ages). 

Congregant Information 
Child Information 

Sweatshirts for This Year:
So that we can offer some flexibility on financial commitments from families, sweatshirts are not included in the tuition for this year's retreat. We are instead offering them as an optional add-on. Please use the field below to select the # of sweatshirts you would like to order, at a cost of $25 per sweatshirt.

Click here to add information for additional child/teen
Parent/Guardian Information
Parent/Guardian #1
Parent/Guardian #2                                                                                                                                  
Child Emergency/Medical Information
N/A for no preference
I/we hereby give permission to my/our child participant in Congregation Or Ami's 4th-6th Grade Retreat, and do release Congregation Or Ami, its Rabbis, cantor, educators, board members. leaders, and its representatives from all liability arising out of my/our teen's participation in that activity. In addition, I, the undersigned parent/guardian of the above-named teen do further assign Congregation Or Ami and its authorized representatives as agents for the undersigned to consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical, or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care for the above-mentioned teen, which is to be rendered under the general or specific supervision of any licensed physician or dentist under the provision of the California Medicine Practice Act and Dental Practice Act or the staff of a licensed hospital, whether such diagnosis, examination or treatment is rendered at the office of said physician or such hospital. It is understood that the authorization is given in advance of any specific examination, diagnosis, treatment or hospital care being required, and is given to provide authority and power of our above named agents to give specific consent to any and all such examinations, diagnosis, treatment or hospital care with the aforementioned physician in the exercise of his/her best judgement may deem advisable. THE AUTHORIZED IS GIVEN PURSUANT OF SECTION 25.8 OF THE CIVIL CODE CALIFORNIA. The hosting camp and Congregation Or Ami does not accept responsibility of loss, damage to, or theft of the child’s property. The camp and Congregation Or Ami has blanket permission to transport campers off campgrounds for any and all trips, competitions and events. There is no fee reduction for late arrival or early departure from the retreat. Each retreat participant that needs medication during the retreat will bring to the bus pick up location this medication in a Ziplock bag in the original prescription bottle and written instructions for distribution. The Retreat Coordinators, Rabbi Lana Zilberman Soloway and Andrew Fromer, or any other Or Ami clergy member may expel a camper for behavior harmful or inappropriate to the retreat community. Please note that if a retreat participant is sent home early for behavior reasons, no refund will be given. I understand that part of the retreat experience involves activities and group interactions that may be new to my/our child, and that the activities may come with uncertainties beyond what my/our child is used to dealing with at home. I am/we are aware that of these risks, and I am/we are assuming them on behalf of my/our child I realize that no environment is risk free, and so I have instructed my/our child on the importance of abiding by the camps’ rules, and my/our child and I both agree that he or she is familiar with these rules and will obey them. I HAVE READ AND FULLY AGREE TO THE MEDICAL/LIABILITY TERMS ABOVE:
I/we understand that there is a $50 cancelation fee once my/our registration is processed.

I/we understand that if I need to cancel my/our child's retreat registration less than 8 business days before the retreat, my/our registration fee is non-refundable. This includes unexpected illnesses as we are charged per participant 8 days before the retreat.

I/we understand if we register after the retreat deadline we understand that there is a possibility we do not receive swag.

Tue, January 7 2025 7 Tevet 5785