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YIZKOR: STORIES WE REMEMBER Please submit form by Tuesday, October 8, 2024.
Stories. The Jewish people treasure stories. We tell stories to remember our past. We tell stories to teach cherished values. We read Torah to relive our people’s ancient wanderings, the challenges they encountered, and the joys they shared.
Stories. We tell stories of our departed loved ones, for in recalling them, we find consolation in the irreparable loss that each death brings. By retelling the stories, we can make meaning from their lives and sometimes discover how to move forward in our own.
Stories. As part of our Yizkor (memorial) service on Yom Kippur morning, we recall the stories of our beloved departed loved ones. It is our Yizkor custom to write stories from the lives of our departed loved ones on scrolls that we place in the sacred Ark with the Sifrei Torah. Our stories will then be carried into the future. All the Yizkor stories we receive will be gathered into a Yizkor Memorial Book which will be kept by the synagogue as a loving memorial.
Please write in the story box below – tenderly and clearly – stories about the deceased loved one(s) whom you (and your family) want to specifically remember this Yom Kippur. Include your name at the bottom as the one who is doing this remembering. Please submit by Monday, October 3. The rabbis will place your memories alongside the scrolls in our Ark.
In memory of your dear departed, please consider also including a Yizkor donation for Congregation Or Ami. This memorial tzedakah will be used to help pass our sacred stories onto the next generation. Click Here to make a Yizkor Donation.
Rabbi Paul J. Kipnes
Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785